Investigation of the effects of Hypocupremia, its prevention and treatment strategies in sheep

Document Type : Scientific-Extensional Article


B.Sc. Student of Animal Science, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources – Moghan, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran


Hypocupremia is a type of ruminant's inorganic deficiency that brings about various clinical and subclinical diseases such as enzootic ataxia and swayback in lambs as well as reduction of wool quality, anemia, immunosenescence, diarrhea, weight-losing and cripple ail in sheep. Due to the nutritional origin of hypocupremia, this kind of deficiency appears in a considerable number of the flock, and its undesirable effects on the flocks' health and lambing are extensive and cause the stockman to sustain a considerable loss. This deficiency in ruminants may occur in two forms primary and secondary. Primary hypocupremia develops as the result of subnormal feed intake of copper, whereas secondary hypocupremia depends on ration mix, which has negative effects on copper intake from feedstuff. Hypocupremia which often develops in animals naturally is of secondary type due to the presence of nutritional factors interfering with animals' copper intake process. The nutritional factors, such as Ferritin, molybdenum, and sulfide, interfere with copper metabolism; consequently, causing reproduction ability reduction, weak or dead lambs in ewes, and reduction of growth and function of lambs. In order to prevent hypocupremia, making use of inorganic lickable blocks, copper sustained-release tablets, dietary supplements as well as injection of copper compounds, particularly during the pregnancy period, can be influent. In the treatment field, the use of injectable copper compounds, cuprous oxide-contained tablets (sustained-release tablets), and copper-contained supplements are recommended. The present study investigated the significance of copper in sheep's metabolism, studied factors affective on hypocupremia and its influences on lambs' health and growth, as well as its diagnosis method in the fold, and finally, consider prevention alternatives and treatment.


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