A review of important numbers and indicators in production systems of the animal and poultry

Document Type : Review Article


1 B.Sc. Student of Animal Science, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 M.Sc. Student of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture at University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

3 Ph.D. Student of Animal and Poultry Breeding & Genetics, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran

4 Ph.D. Student of Poultry Nutrition, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Urmia, West Azerbaijan, Iran


The role of numbers in the livestock industry is so prominent as far as paying attention to them will lead to positive results such as preventing energy waste, economic efficiency, and high productivity, and any neglect of them by related people will cause a lot of economic problems. Each type of data has its own classification and organization and can play a significant role in topics such as facility and construction of the farm, justification plan, nutrition, feed formulation, hygienic, livestock health status, production, evaluation of production potential, reproduction, and evaluation of reproductive efficiency. So, the accuracy of recorded data can have a significant impact on the results. In many subjects, there are numerical standards that animal scientists must learn during their education or they must have a reliable reference so that they could refer to it whenever needed. Therefore, we can mention the role of numbers in the estrous cycle of livestock, the duration of colostrum consumption (first week), and also the production performance in different livestock species (livestock, poultry, aquatic animals, and bees). In fact, the aim of this study is to briefly refer to some of the numbers, rules, and standards in animal sciences, especially in the field of reproduction and production performance to express their key and practical importance in terms of successful animal husbandry. Finally, it can be concluded that numbers have a significant role in the livestock industry and we should try to increase the accuracy of recorded information and making more attention to the numbers in the field of animal sciences to be a looker-on the growing progress of the livestock industry.


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