Effect of dietary fiber and feed processing on starch digestibility of different cereal grains used in poultry

Document Type : Scientific-Extensional Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Poultry Nutrition, Department of Animal Science, Campus of Abureyhan at the University of Tehran, Pakdasht, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student of Poultry Nutrition, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Tabriz, East Azarbaijan, Iran


Starch, comprising up to 70–80% of most cereal grains, is the primary source of energy in poultry diets. Although it is generally believed that starch is well digested by poultry, low total tract and ileal starch digestibility has been reported in some studies. The structure and composition of starch granules, their interaction with protein matrix, and their availability after feed processing play important roles in the digestion of starch. There is clear evidence that starch digestion is highly correlated with its structural location within feedstuffs and components associated with starch granule. Viscous non-starch polysaccharides and feed technology practices such as pelleting, whole grain feeding and inclusion of fibrous materials also have significant influence on starch digestibility. The aim of this review was to focus on factors affecting the digestion and absorption processes of starch in poultry. The effects of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, and feed processing on starch digestion are also reviewed.


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