An Overview of Computing Inbreeding: From Classical to Genomic

Document Type : Scientific-Extensional Article


1 Ph.D. Student of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture at University of Tabriz.

2 Ph.D. Student of Animal and Poultry Breeding & Genetics, Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Tehran


The focus of the breeders on economic traits and increased production through genetic selection will have negative consequences such as inbreeding, resulting in genetic recurrence, increased genetic abnormalities, susceptibility to disease and ultimately mortality. Increasing the amount of inbreeding in the livestock industry has become a serious issue, so it is important to calculate the amount, use of new software and keep the inbreeding rate optimum in the population. Using pedigree information, genotypic information from molecular markers and, more recently, metadata from next-generation sequencing and SNP-Chip technology, it has been possible to calculate inbreeding at different levels, each having its own disadvantages and disadvantages as well as its own computational structure. These methods have made the calculation of inbreeding more accurate. Recent advances in molecular genetics have led to the identification of the ROH Islets at the whole genome level of various animal species, followed by extensive studies in the animal sciences. These methods can classify the inbreeding rate of the ancestors and the genomic information obtained from the crosses. The main purpose of this study is to describe the concept of inbreeding and its causes, computational principles, recent advances in computational inference from classical to genomic methods. It goes without saying that achieving inbreeding is not an end of the breed from a eugenics perspective, but rather on the structure and extent of inbreeding in the population, different scientific and practical approaches must be taken to reduce and avoid further inbreeding. According to the inbreeding calculation methods studied in this study, the ROH method is the best and most powerful one because it can be considered small parts of IBD in inbreeding calculation. Conversely, in classical (pedigree) methods, the accuracy of inbreeding calculation is low because of incomplete registered pedigrees and errors. In various scientific sources, the correlation coefficient between FROH and Fp < /sub> is reported to be 50-85%.


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